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Web3 Stack - Crypto Infrastructure Behind the Scenes
Navigating the technical world of Web3 (5:54)
Course overview - structure and syllabus (6:24)
Module 1: Blockchain Behind the Scenes
1.1 Block - what is it? (4:02)
1.2 From a block to the blockchain (1:54)
1.3 Immutability - how blocks stay unchanged (4:26)
1.4 So, what actually is a blockchain? (4:25)
1.5 Node - what allows blockchains to exist (3:35)
1.6 Decentralization - the network of nodes (8:01)
1.7 Consensus - what is it? (4:41)
1.8 PoW, PoS, PoA deciphered (2:18)
1.9 Proof of Work explained (3:21)
1.10 Proof of Stake explained (3:18)
1.11 Solana's Proof of Stake explained (1:06)
1.12 Gas - the blockchain fuel (2:14)
1.13 Let’s wrap it up! (1:27)
Module 2: Into the World of Different Blockchains
2.1 Bitcoin - how it all started (3:45)
2.2 Ethereum - the second revolution (4:16)
2.3 Digital asset - what is it? (1:25)
2.4 Wait, so cryptocurrencies are not the same as tokens? (2:14)
2.5 Let’s wrap it up! (2:35)
Module 3: Web3 Architecture
3.1 Typical Web2 architecture (13:38)
3.2 Typical Web3 architecture (8:42)
3.3 Layer 0 - the protocol layer (4:02)
3.4 Layer 1 - the protocol layer (3:47)
3.5 The blockchain trilemma (2:46)
3.6 Layer 2 - the scalability layer (6:53)
3.7 Layer 3 - the application layer (4:58)
3.8 Let’s wrap it up! (3:01)
Module 4: Smart Contracts
4.1 What are smart contracts? (10:36)
4.2 Solidity 101 (32:18)
4.3 ABI - the menu of a smart contract (13:10)
4.4 Testnet (8:06)
4.5 ERC-20 (11:49)
4.6 NFT - ERC-721/1155 (10:41)
4.7 Surge NFT contract (5:39)
4.8 DAO - the encoded organization (4:48)
4.9 A DAO contract example (4:45)
4.10 Let’s wrap it up! (2:04)
Module 5: Web3 Identity
5.1 Authentication: Web2 vs Web3 (6:25)
5.2 Public and private keys - and the power that comes with them (5:50)
5.3 Accounts - EOA and Contract Accounts (2:27)
5.4 Messages and transactions - what is the difference? (3:55)
5.5 Wallet - what is it? (5:04)
5.6 Types of wallets (3:25)
5.7 Multi-signature wallets (4:28)
5.8 Signing transactions (3:48)
5.9 The most common hacks (11:52)
5.10 Not your key, not your crypto - how to stay safe (4:18)
5.11 Let’s wrap it up! (2:20)
Thank you! (2:04)
Module 6: Deep Dives into Web3 Tech
6.1 ARAGON: What is a DAO Framework (16:15)
6.2 STATION: Protocol Architecture 101 and The Station Proposer Protocol (46:59)
6.3 SNAPSHOT: DAO Governance with Snapshot (7:07)
3.1 Typical Web2 architecture
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